For us, the year 2011. was a jubilee - the20th anniversary
of our company. Accepting risk to be indelicate, we can say: By
existience not so, but large as big companys by succes. Here we present
you pages, where you can resumptive informed about activity of our
house. Experiece tell us that you certainly share great pleasure with
numerous dab of our work.
Lekmed Pharmaceutical is an institution
occupied by projecting, engineering and scientifically researching in
natural dietetics area. Based on a combination of natural bioactive
substances of bee products and medicinal plants, treated by biological
rules but with modern technology.
Lekmed Pharmaceutical is actually a team of
young experts, concentreated around a common idea. Their bright minds,
knowledge and ability eneble to us, ordinary people, to react easily and
succesfully on our health. This is the mode to inhibit precocious aging
and prolong life. But not only calendar, than period of top vitality,
productivity and creativity - quality couse we want to live longer.....
The differences between us common people and
experts at Lekmed Pharmaceutical, are not only in the high, modern
education, but also in the extraordinary gift they have in listening and
sensing Nature. And, how it's usual for scientists, modest in peace and
silence, developed project "Lekmed" and performed into dietetic
preparation program.
Saving you time we present one we're especially proud of: